Writing for developers

Improve your writing skills as a non-native speaker

Creating content in English when you’re not a native speaker can be intimidating and challenging. Trust me, as a native German speaker, who decided to focus on writing technical content in English,[…]

Main image for blog post on storytelling for landing pages
Marketing for developersWriting for developers

Create a better landing page with storytelling

Do you want to create a landing page (or sales page) for your product and seek inspiration and guidance on how to write one? Of course, there’s a myriad of techniques[…]

Marketing for developersWriting for developers

Answering your FAQs on technical content writing

Since I started the blog, I’ve received many emails from readers asking various questions about technical content writing and freelancing in this field. So I thought it would be nice to[…]

Featured image for How to write about anything
Writing for developers

How to write about anything – even if you’re clueless

Need to write about something you don’t know anything about? Following the steps in this guide will help you to write about anything.

Some scribbles in a notebook and a pen.
Productivity & OrganizationWriting for developers

How to structure your blog posts

Last year I wrote an article about the 5 questions you need to ask yourself before starting your programming blog, and I hope you decided to start one! Writing blog posts[…]

Featured image for article: Technical content vs technical content writing
Technical WritingWriting for developers

Technical Writing vs Technical Content Writing

What are the differences between technical writing and technical content writing? More importantly, how can they collaborate?

A woman writes on her laptop.
Productivity & OrganizationWriting for developers

5+1 tips to write emails faster

Most of us need to communicate via email, be it for work or our private lives, and some of us tend to overcomplicate the whole matter and waste our time. I[…]

I don't have psychic vision like promoted on this image. Though I'll predict a thing or two about technical content writing in 2019.
Writing for developers

Technical Content Writing in 2019

How did your writing go in 2018? I hope you were able to create lots of content and sharpened your skills with each paragraph you created.But let’s not linger in the[…]

Featured image: 4 common mistakes German speakers make in English
Writing for developers

4 Common Mistakes Made by German Speakers in English

English is one of the most spoken languages and can be a real challenge! Explore common mistakes German speakers make in English and how to avoid them.

A notebook, pen, and laptop on a table in a cafe
Marketing for developersWriting for developers

5 questions you need to ask yourself before starting your programming blog

So, you’re thinking about starting a programming blog? Are you eager to provide your fellow developers with valuable, informative and engaging content? Great! We sure need more coding writers in the[…]

Hi there!

I’m Sarah, technical content writer and former web developer. On my blog, I share my writing and marketing knowledge with developers like you and hopefully help. Want me to do the writing instead? Shoot me a note 🙂

Let’s connect
